Naramata Library has voted to join CUPE 1123!
We welcome the Naramata workers to the union.
This change is effective immediately.
Please reach out to a member of the Executive if you have any questions about this change.
Naramata Library has voted to join CUPE 1123!
We welcome the Naramata workers to the union.
This change is effective immediately.
Please reach out to a member of the Executive if you have any questions about this change.
August 14th the Executive Team and Shop Stewards took part in Local Executive training at the Kelowna Area office.
(From left to right) Lois Beischer (Shop Steward and OH&S Rep), Britney Wentland (Treasurer), Nicole Cabrejos (President), Sarah Munro (Vice President), Jade Lafond (Recording Secretary), Cherie te Lintel Hekkert (Shop Steward), Tyler Fey (Membership Officer) and August Jamieson (Shop Steward)