Convention 2018 Reports – Nicci Cabrejos

Many thanks to OMDC (Okanagan Mainline District Council) for sending me to Convention as a delegate, I had a fantastic experience that I am eternally grateful for! It was a jaw dropping experience to witness over 300 locals represented by locals and district councils. As one of 6 representing a district council I was truly honored to be present and able to vote on such important matters.

While I had the privilege of being sent by OMDC, I was also representing CUPE BC’s Young Worker’s Committee as the co-chair of the committee.  Our committee hosted a Young Worker’s event during the conference specifically to engage young activists within CUPE and other unions as well. Our Boat cruise event was fully booked within the first day of Convention and we had a large wait list as well. We also chose to fund raise for Covenant house in Vancouver – a shelter providing support for 16-24 year olds who have fled physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse; those who have been forced from their homes and those who have aged our of foster care. We sold cookies by donation and raised just under $150.00 for Covenant house, and took donations of toiletries etc. as well.

Our local was very fortunate to have 4 members in attendance, 3 were able to vote on resolutions put forward on by various committees. Many resolutions were passed to lobby government for specifics such as proper funding for the k-12 education sector after the cuts made by the Liberals, a boycott of Nestle and it’s products, and support for Columbia against a corrupt government, just to name a few.

As a first timer to convention I was blown away by the solidarity and the level of engagement from other delegates. I hope to attend future Conventions as a representative of CUPE 1123 and all of the fantastic work we do as library workers!

Nicci Cabrejos


Convention 2018 Reports – Amy Smith

I would like to thank the membership for giving me the opportunity to attend this years CUPE BC Conference. All CUPE locals within BC are given the opportunity to have input or attend these conferences.

CUPE National has several committees, I sit on the Education Committee. Part of the responsibilities of each committee is to put forth resolutions that help support our unions or help to bring change with current government.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our Local to be part of those decisions. While it is not an easy job to do, it is very rewarding being able to support our union this way.

The Education committee’s resolutions were to have scholarships for Indigenous peoples and women in trades to attend convention and also to have CUPE courses offered in different languages so that everyone has access to education.

The resolutions were many, they varied but they all supported CUPE in one way or another.

Again I want to thank my local for the opportunity to attend.

Amy Smith


CUPE BC Convention 2018

CUPE 1123 was able to send 4 members in total to CUPE Convention this year – a record for our relatively small local!

Rose Jurkic – Chair of the Resolutions Committee and Co-Chair of the Library Committee – sent to Convention by CUPE BC

Nicci Cabrejos – Co-chair of the Young Workers Committee – sent to Convention by OMDC

Amy Smith – Education Committee member – sent to Convention by Local CUPE 1123 as an alternate

Wendy Jewel – CUPE 1123 delegate – sent to Convention by CUPE 1123