Library Issues: The Rise of Precarious Workers

From CUPE’s Sector profiles on Library workers

Precarious work (part-time, temporary, casual or contract work) is extremely common in the library sector. Workers in public library boards
are more likely to be precariously employed, along with airlines, health and social services, and long-term care workers. CUPE’s 2014 membership survey found that permanent, part-time employment is highest among public library board workers, at 46 per cent, with 70 per cent of library clerks working part-time. Many library workers work for years before securing a full-time job. Many part-time workers hold down several jobs to make ends meet. Split shifts and lack of guaranteed hours make coordinating with other jobs and achieving work-life balance difficult. The lack of full-time work
opportunities makes it difficult to attract young workers into the field. The rise of precarious work not only affects workers, but also has an
impact on the quality and scope of library services.


CUPE 1123 at a glance:

  • Our local has just shy of 200 members spanning across the
  • Of those members approximately 79% currently qualify as
    precarious workers.
  • Less than 40 members in our union hold full time positions and
    are not considered precarious workers.

What can we do about precarious work in the ORL?

  • Let’s get the conversation started about precarious working
    conditions! Talk to your Shop Steward or a member of the
    Executive for more information.
  •  Form a precarious workers committee to